guru's daily thoughts

Friday, February 17, 2006

Round Two...

Get up one time more than you're knocked down.


Hmmm, seems not only is my site down today, but so is my provider. Not sure why, but I'll be patient and just keep jotting down my notes over here until it's back up.

Things are fairly quiet still anyway, so there's nothing to worry about.

I miss my email though.

I've been having some really good discussions with a few of my readers-turned-friends. It's nice to be able to connect with other people, even if that connection is a wire.

After all, isn't that how we're all connected anyway... by a wire? A thread of light that forms a web between us... emails are just words to remind us of that.

Guess it's time to rely on telepathy :-)

Or T-Mobile.


At 2:45 AM, Blogger Sarah Jean Fry said...

Hi Gurustu,
I enjoy your blogs! Glad everything is working again. I love your views.

I have begun blogging and now plan to make it a part of my life. Thank you for your help and your guidance getting started!
All my best,
Sarah Jean


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